Putnam County Library Friends
Our Mission
The Putnam County Library Friends is a nonprofit organization that supports and promotes the use, services and facilities of the Putnam County Library System. Proceeds raised by membership dues and other fundraising efforts directly impact the library. The PCL Friends is a proud and dedicated supporter of the library’s Summer Reading Program.
Be a Friend
There are many ways to help! The easiest way is by becoming a member. Join the Friends for as little as $10 a year. Corporate sponsorship opportunities exist for area businesses. All Friends members receive our Book reMarks newsletter and early admittance into Twice Told Tales, our monthly book sale. Click here to access the website to join the Putnam County Library Friends! You can also make a monetary donation to the Putnam County Library Friend, click here to make an online donation.
“Twice Told Tales, a used book store” is sponsored by the Putnam County Library Friends. The store will be open on the first Saturday each month from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. to the public. Special store hours for members of the Library Friends are the Friday before from 4:00-5:30 p.m.. The store is located on the lower level of the Putnam County Library, east door. Donations appreciated. See the librarian at the front desk.
Get Involved
Serve on the Friends Board of Directors or volunteer at Friends-sponsored library events. Send an email to for more information.
Putnam County Library Friends is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under IRS code. All monetary donations to the Putnam County Library Friends are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Monterey Branch
Mission: “This shall be a nonprofit corporation whose object is to support and promote the use, services and facilities of the Monterey Branch Library.”
Meetings: Friends of Monterey Branch Library meet at the Monterey Branch Library community room at 4:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the following months: April, July, October, December
Membership is open to all residents of Monterey by clicking the button below to fill out the form. A single membership is $3 for 1 year; family membership is $5 for 1 year.
Be a Putnam County Library Friend
The Putnam County Library Foundation
Our Mission
Our mission is to build a better library for a better community. We work hard to be a resource for our local library. Have ideas about how we could do that better? Join us!
Get Involved!
We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you.
Thank You
We couldn’t accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. Thank you for your time and donations that makes this possible!

Additional Support
The Board of Trustees of the Putnam County Library welcomes monetary donations to the library’s Memorial and Honor Book programs.
Donations of $25 or more will have a book or books purchased for a specific library in the system. A bookplate with the person’s name who is being memorialized or honored will be put in the book. A permanent card will be placed in the library, and a card will be sent to the family.
Donations between $10-$24 go to each library’s Memorial/Honor fund. These monies accumulate, and books are purchased from this fund. Books purchased with Memorial/Honor Fund monies do not have an individual’s name on the bookplate but are designated as memorial or honor books with a generic bookplate. However, for each donation to the Fund, a permanent card will be placed in the library, and a card will be sent to the family.
Donors may select whether they want their gift to be used for adults, children, large print, genealogy, reference or audiovisuals. The library staff will work with the donors, giving over $25 to select a specific book to add to the library’s collection.
Books that are donated to the library are considered gifts and will not be added to the collection as memorial or honor books. Genealogy books or books on Tennessee maybe considered as memorials or honor books if they are not readily available.