Electronic Device Checkout
Library patrons who are at least 18 years of age may checkout up to two tablets or one laptop from the Circulation Desk nfor up to two hours, for in-house use only.
To check out a device, a patron must submit a current Putnam County Library card and a valid driver’s
license/government issued photo ID. The patron must be in good standing (no fines or overdues). The driver’s
license/government issued photo ID will be returned to the patron when the patron returns the device. Under no circumstances may a patron use another person’s library card.
Library staff will go over the following rules before use and indicate on the patron’s library card that policy has been reviewed with the patron:
- I will immediately inspect the device upon checking it out and agree that it is in good condition.

- I will not tamper with hardware or existing software. I agree to protect this equipment from theft and/or damage. I understand that the police will investigate any loss of a device or any missing components, and I will cooperate with such investigations.
- I agree to go to the Circulation Desk immediately if this equipment is damaged, lost, stolen, or malfunctioning and turn device over to library staff.
- I understand that if I leave the device unattended, I accept full financial responsibility for any damage to the device or the replacement costs for a missing device and any missing accompanying equipment.
- I agree to return the device to the Circulation Desk and personally give it to a library staff member before the time due.
- I understand that this equipment is a 2-hour library loan and cannot leave the designated library space.
- I understand that even if I have not used the device for a full two hours, I must return it to the Circulation Desk and personally give it to a library staff member no later than 15 minutes before the library closes.
- I agree to accept full financial responsibility for failure to return the device and accompanying equipment, and any damage incurred to the device through abuse, misuse, or operation while it is in my care. Replacement cost covers the device, including software and processing.
- I will not violate any of the policies specified in the Putnam County Library’s Internet Use Policy and the Library’s Patron Code of Conduct. I have read these policies and I understand that violation of these policies may result in revocation of my library privileges.
- I understand that if I am using sound-enabled resources, I must wear headphones.
- I understand that the library is not responsible for damage to any disk, computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from use of these devices or malfunctioning library hardware or software.
- Special PRIVACY ALERT for device users: The Library disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages resulting from that loss, and accepts no responsibility for breach of privacy. We recommend that no personal information be entered at any time using a library device. Unless you clear the history, the cache, and the cookies yourself, your privacy is at risk- the library does not do this. If you log in to any service, please be certain to log out. Otherwise, your privacy is at risk.
Library device privileges will be revoked if a borrower violates any part of this agreement.
Approved by the Putnam County Library Board of Trustees on 10/14/14. Amended 9/13/2016.